Line for PC

Instant Messaging Apps

"Learn how to download the best instant messaging applications for your pc. Enjoy the pc apps for most downloaded. WhatsApp to PC, WeChat for PC, BBM for PC. He knows the secrets of the best messaging apps."

The success of the messaging apps.

Last year we saw how many developers threw new apps messaging and chat. This sector move hundreds of millions of users. And the possibility to reach as many users is very interesting from the point of view of the advertising. A clear example is the case of Blackberry. The launch of their new devices has not been very successful for the company. For this reason, betting on development of apps, launched new versions of BBM for Android. Initially they registered millions of users in a few weeks. BBM also launched the version BBM for iPhone, BBM to iOS and BBM for PC.

BBM for Android - BBM untuk Android

The great rival of Line reaches one billion users

A few months ago we knew the news that the great rival of Line reached the billion users. This is another example of the potential that have the apps of chat or instant messaging. In its day Facebook has already bought WhatsApp for power to reach millions of users. And the most popular search engine of the world carries time betting for their messaging service integrated into the mail service.

The possibility of reaching millions of users is very interesting to be able to offer services or payment products. It is a channel of communication very fast and economic. Big companies know this, and for this reason bet strong by the development of messaging applications.

Million of users have a messaging app installed on your Smartphone or iPad

Don't wait any longer to enjoy the best messaging apps on your computer.

Line for Android or Line for PC to want to continue to grow. Register users expect more this year. Line Naver has developed more applications to enhance and complement Line. But they will have to continue to evolve its implementation, because competition is increasingly high.

Line for PC instant messaging apps

These past two years we have witnessed the emergence of several apps of instant messaging. Few can deny that all of the apps messaging, WhatsApp is the most popular. WhatsApp is not the best, is not the most feature, it is not the most secure, but it is the most downloaded by users throughout the world. In addition, it is the app with more active users.